Loop isolator BP-FD-ALI314

BP-FD-ALI314 loop isolator (hereinafter referred to as BP-FD-ALI314), mainly used to isolate a portion of a short circuit on the bus, other devices on the bus to ensure normal operation. Upon elimination of the short circuit fault, BP-FD-ALI314 can be isolated out their own part back into the system. It is worth noting: BP-FD-ALI314 using the bus to facilitate the determination of the location of a short circuit.


  • In the event of a short circuit isolates faulty parts of the loop
  • Automatically resetting once the fault has cleared
  • LED lights indicate status
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Technical specification
Model: BP-FD-ALI314
Technical Parameters
Nominal Line Voltage (VNOM) 24V
Standby Current <3mA
Capacity 32 devices
Indicate Yellow (flashes when polling, illuminates in action.)
Maximum Line Voltage (VMAX) 28V
Minimum Line Voltage (VMIN) 16V
Maximum voltage at which the device isolates (VSO MAX) 11V
Minimum voltage at which the device isolates (VSO MIN) 8V
Maximum voltage at which the device reconnects (VSC MAX) 4V
Minimum voltage at which the device reconnects (VSC MIN) 1.4V
Maximum rated continuous current with the switch closed (IC MAX) 1A
Maximum rated switching current (IS MAX) 3A
Maximum leakage current with the switch open (IL MAX) 15mA
Maximum series impedance with the switch closed (ZC MAX) 0.15Ω
Operating Temperature -10⁰C ~ +55℃


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